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R Kheradmand
summary and Reaction #2
"why we laugh" is an article written by janet Spencer in the Ann Arbow News.This article is about reasons an explanation for why we laugh.we have many reasons for laughing.Most of them are important at the life.It means the laughter is a main factors for survivor.First ,In my explaining , I must start when we laugh. The babies start laughable a little more after craying.the usually smiles at approximately eight days of age, but at six months or less , they can laugh suh as the sight of mother's smiling face.between the ages of six months and one year , the babies learn to laugh for essentially.
We must know laugh and smile is very diffirent.The laughter means to make sounds and facial movements to express happiness , amusement , scorn , or nervousness.but the smile is a facial _expression formed by an upward curving of the corners of the mouthand indicating pleasure.
Seond, we must know why the children and the other laugh.The people laughe to make known mastery over a worry or a bad feeling.More importantly , the children laugh because they have mastered an anxiety.but dult laughter is more able to make fine distinctions and clever.Their laughter is a source of enjoyment.In other hand , mastery of anxiety is more important.Also , we might say adult laughter is a social response trigger by cues.Adult usually laugh when they used to fear.the feeling of achievement or lack of main idea for a laughter is remains a crucial factor.
Third, I must know when we must have to laugh.we can not pleasure without enjoyment and laughing. We cn laugh everyday ,every time and every where.But the situations is very important for the of the reasons to laugh, the rest of us require company .We do occasionally laugh alone. Absulotlly,we augh at memory, or at a part of ourselves,thinking,some pictures and flash back from past.The laughter and memorize are associate.We normally use to inhibit suppressed driver is discharged in the laughter.The laughter can be a social respone triggere by cues. A jokes almost are funny , but sometimes we do not laugh about it.Maybe we undrestant about what's happen, but talking is not good able to make laoghing. laughter is pleasureable because of the physical sensations involved.As result effect, the laughter is one of satisfaction .the laught can effect to complete of bodys' cellules. I know , the people does not want to hear jokes everyday,for laughing.We do not need it.Part of laughters can make to illume into comfort and happiness because something bad did not happen or is finished.I think the laughter is temperary tension.the laghters are the important factors for pargation.'s's funny.... Part of the reason for this is that laughter is not a big clinical problem. People do not go to the doctor because they are laughing and feel good. On the other hand, there are a some people with brain damage that MAY cause uncontrollable, abnormal laughter. Also, there is a type of epilepsy with gelastic seizures...these seizures cause people to laugh.Fourth,the laughter is best medician.Research has shown that laughing is more than just a person's voice and movement. Laughter requires the coordination of many muscles throughout the body. Laughter also:

  1. increases blood pressure
  2. increases heart rate
  3. changes breathing
  4. reduces levels of certain neurochemicals (catecholamines, hormones).
  5. provides a boost to the immune system.

The laughter can be good for health It may be a good way for people to relax because muscle tension is reduced after laughing. There are some cases when a good deep laugh may help people with respiratory problems by clearing mucus and aiding ventiliation. Perhaps laughing can also help cardiac patients by giving the heart a bit of a workout. Some hospitals even have their own "Humor Rooms," "Comedy Carts," and clown kids in attempts to speed a patient's recovery and boost morale.

However, laughter is not always good medicine. There are a few cases when laughing actually caused a heart attack or a stroke. Also, immediately after abdominal surgery, people should not laugh too hard because they could tear out their stitches accidentally. Care should also be used in patients with broken ribs. So, try not to be too funny around these people.

In fct , the laghter can fend the danger from body.It is a biggest source of permissible the energy.The laughters communet with cultures and haviors.

For example, in my culture,Persia, "the laughter is a treatment for all of the afflication."This is one of famouse proverbsin persia.Some of the cultures and the people ,feel no mastery over the situation claims.

Laughter creates and strengthens our social bonds.the laughters can found more froendship at the life.If we are laughing ,we can made delighted friend .becuse some of them think we are happy.we must afriad from embrrassment .some times we need laugh but we dont it.Finlly,laughter is very useful for us.If we laugh through out setuayion,anxieties.amused,thrill... , we will not be controlling defeated to los by them.we are ability to laugh starts early,but so it takes a lifetime to perfect.



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